Why I created Cluster

Why I designed Cluster

If you’re like me, you probably have several Eurorack modules laying around in you studio.

A new module comes in, but your case is full or you just need 2 more HPs to fit the new one in, so an old trusty module will catch some dust in a drawer. You need a module you have under your desk for your new patch, but the case is already full. Which module should you get rid of, to make space for the one you need?

Finally you decide to buy a new case, to find a home for your 4 or 5 dusty, but useful modules. A 6U will probably be full in a few months and you do not have enough space for a 3rd case, so a 9U is the only option, but it is expensive! Plus a 9U for just 4 modules seems a bit too much!

These are common issues for poor Eurorack addicts like me and you… That’s why I designed Cluster!

Cluster is a Modular Eurorack Case. It grows with you, it will fit your studio, it can change shape and size.

Now, to find a new home for those 4 modules, you can just add a row and you’ll be up and running in minutes. Easy!

If one day, you will change your mind, you can totally rearrange your Cluster, from a classic upright to an angular system. Or you may find it useful to have several subsystems in your main Cluster system. One for your gigs, one for your creative moments and one for docking the other two systems and make one big rig. With Cluster you can do it! You can detach a smaller rack from the main system in minutes without the need of any special tools!